To ensure your reservation, please provide your identification to the reception for check-in and accommodation registration.
Accommodation offers complimentary breakfast and parking.
Check-In time is after 15:00 PM. Check-out time is before 11:30 AM. If you cannot check in before 18:00 PM, please contact the hotel.
Late check-out will charge an additional fee of 450 NTD per hour. If the room has already been booked for the same day, late check-out or extension of stay will not be available.
Weekends: Friday and Saturday. Holidays: consecutive holidays and special holidays.
The prices and check-in times for consecutive holidays and special holidays will be announced separately on the He-Jia Hotel official website
To ensure the rights and comfort of all our guests, pets are not allowed on the premises, and the hotel is entirely smoke-free. Thank you for your cooperation.
Hotel provides free Wi-Fi access, please search for your “Room number” within the guest rooms. In public areas, you can connect by searching for “HE JIA HOTEL”.
Based on the occupancy rules for each room type, additional charges will apply for extra occupants. Please refer to the "Additional Charges" policy for details. He-Jia Hotel reserves the right to make judgments and explanation.
Additional Charges
Additional charge of $300 NTD for a crib.
Additional charge of 1000 NTD for an extra single bed - provides amenities and breakfast.
Additional charge of 600 NTD for an additional adult (age 12 and above, considered as an adult) - provides amenities and breakfast.
Children aged 0 to 11 (inclusive) stay free without an extra bed; a maximum of one child per room is allowed, and amenities and breakfast will not be provided. For additional children exceeding the room capacity, regardless of age, an additional charge of 500 NTD per person will apply (provides amenities and breakfast).
【Breakfast Add-on】: Children are charged 160 NTD, and adults are charged 260 NTD.